Student Disability 服务 Physical Disabilities

Student Disability 服务 Physical Disabilities

Physical Disability or Medical Condition

A PDF version of these guidelines is available 在这里. In addition, the corresponding verification form is available 在这里.

Students seeking support services from Student Disability 服务 (SDS) on the basis of a previously diagnosed physical disability or medical condition must submit documentation that verifies their eligibility under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the ADA Amendments Act.

The documentation must describe a disabling condition, which is defined by the presence of substantial limitations in one or more major life activities. 仅仅是提交 evidence of a diagnosis is not sufficient to warrant academic accommodations. 文档 from a recognized agency as being eligible for services, for example the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative 服务 (DARS), may be considered, but specific accommodation requests may require the documentation outlined below. 验证表格也是 available to provide guidance in the assessment process. 请不要犹豫 contact SDS at (972) 721-5056 if you have any questions.

A physician, or other medical specialist with experience and expertise in the area related to 学生’s disability, should make the diagnosis. 条件可能包括: but are not limited to, mobility impairments, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, chemical sensitivities, spinal cord injuries, cancer, AIDS, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, diabetes, asthma, 等. The diagnostician should not be a family member of 学生. 文件应包括:

  1. 诊断: A clear statement of the physical disability or medical condition.
    1. 症状的大致开始.
    2. Date of last clinical contact: The assessment must be current. Because conditions may change over time current evaluations are critical in providing 合理的住宿. In general, this means that evaluations must have been completed within the three years prior to the accommodations request. 在以下情况下 a condition is permanent and unchanging (e.g. cerebral palsy, amputation, 等.SDS) may require a current statement of functional limitations from a qualified provider.
  2. 评价
    1. Assessment procedures and evaluation instruments that have been used to make the diagnosis.
    2. Narrative of evaluation results including standardized scores, if applicable.
    3. Present symptoms that meet the criteria for the diagnosis.
    4. 目前的治疗.
    5. 症状的严重程度.
    6. 疾病的预后.
  3. 功能的局限性: Should be determined WITHOUT consideration of mitigating measures (i.e. 药物治疗, 等.). If condition is episodic in nature, level of functioning should be assessed based on active phase of symptoms.
    1. Impact on major life activities.
    2. Behavioral manifestations of the disability, in particular the way it impacts the student in the learning context for which the accommodations are being requested.
    3. Any additional limitations that fall in the substantial range.
    4. 特别注意事项(e).g., medication side effects, impact of treatment, 等.)
  4. 住宿
    1. 住宿历史.
    2. (Optional) Recommended accommodations.
    3. (Optional) Additional information that may be helpful in determining accommodations.

Further assessment by an appropriate professional may be required if co-existing learning disabilities or other disabling conditions are indicated. 所有文件必须 submitted on the official letterhead of the professional describing the disability. The report should be dated and signed and include the name, title, and professional credentials of the evaluator, including information about license or certification. Student Disability 服务 will make the determination regarding whether accommodations are reasonable in the University environment.

All documentation submitted to SDS is considered confidential.

文档 should be sent to the following address:

Student Disability 服务, 学术成就 Office

文档 may be faxed to (972) 265-5712, emailed to,或交给布拉尼夫.