Jon Paul Heyne Ph.D.

Jon Paul Heyne, Ph.D

Assistant Professor, History

Phone: (972) 721-5247


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #238

Ph.D. Medieval History, Catholic University of America
M.A., Medieval & Byzantine Studies, Catholic University of America
B.A., History, University of Dallas

HIS 2301 Western Civilization I
HIS 2302 Western Civilization II
HIS 3303 Ancient Greece
HIS 3304 Roman Republic
HIS 3305 Roman Empire
HIS 4357 History of Jerusalem
HIS 4357 Mediterranean World
HIS 4357 Medieval Spirituality

“Pilgrims, Custodians, and the Eastern Churches: Variable Christian Relations Surrounding the Fourteenth-Century Franciscan Foundation in the Holy Land” in A Contested Coexistence: Historical, Theological, and Linguistic Insights into Arabic Christianity, edited by Ryann Craig and Vasile-Octavian Mihoc Harrassowitz, forthcoming.

“The Impact of Charlemagne on the Native Literary Tradition in the North” by Claudia Bornholdt and Jon Paul Heyne in Charlemagne in the Norse and Celtic Worlds, edited by Helen Fulton and Sif Rikhardsdottir. Boydell & Brewer, forthcoming.

Encountering the Religious ‘Other’ in Fourteenth-Century Jerusalem (session organizer and presenter), International Medieval Congress, Leeds July 2017 

Sancia and the Holy Places: Conflicts between Politics and Personal Spirituality in the Late Medieval Mediterranean 52nd International Congress, Kalamazoo May 2017 

Queen Sancia and the Franciscans of the Holy Land: The Western Contest for Fourteenth-century Jerusalem 55th SEMA Annual Conference Oct. 2016